Hello there, nice to meet you!

I’m Janki, and my life’s journey has been quite the whirlwind. I started my career in tech world, crunching numbers and making sense of complex data sets. But life had other plans for me, and after a major life experience, I decided to follow my heart into the world of baking.

For the past three years, I’ve been on a delectable adventure, exploring the culinary world, experimenting with ingredients, and mastering the art of baking. From those early days of learning how to knead dough to now crafting intricate pastries and mouthwatering desserts, my love for baking has grown beyond measure.

Baking is not just a passion for me; it’s a journey of self-discovery. The precision I learned in the tech world still serves me well in the kitchen, but now I get to infuse my creations with a touch of magic and a lot of love. I believe that every dish I create tells a story, and through my food, I aim to share not just the flavors but the emotions and memories that inspire them.

Now, as I find my footing in the baking world, I’m thrilled to share my Treats! with the world. Whether it’s a savory hand pie, a rich and creamy gulab jamun tart, or a sablĂ© cookie, I pour my heart and soul into every creation. Each bite is an invitation to experience the joy and warmth that baking brings into my life.

Join me on this sweet and savory journey as I share my culinary adventures, recipes, tips, and tricks that I’ve learned along the way. I can’t wait to connect with fellow food enthusiasts, fellow bakers, and anyone with a love for all things delicious.

Thank you for stoping by. Together, let’s savor the simple pleasures and celebrate life one bite at a time.

1 Comment

  1. Do you have a recipe for CHOCOLATE CASSATA CAKE? Your photo is lovely. I want to duplicate a cake my mom made for my birthday when I was a child. I thought hers had 8 layers, but nothing like it is on the web, so maybe I counted eight including the filling! My sweetie is an engineer here in Redmond, WA.

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